Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Reaction: The Breakfast Club

Finally decided to watch The Breakfast Club for the first time. I wanted to see what all the hype was about. Once again, as all eighties movies, The Breakfast Club defines what it feels like to be an angst-ridden teenager. Timeless as always.
Oh Gosh, being a teenager. It may be the same general idea no matter when you're growing up, but honestly parents don't understand what its like. At that point, they've already forgotten all the things they hated about their parents. They are so distracted by the perils of responsibilities. Parents have already gotten chewed out and spit up by life; they're not taking your shit.
Granted it's not just shit to us! I mean, we know how it feels to be pressured to think and act like one person, when you're obviously not. People think that just because you're a kid, you're in school you don't have anything to worry about. You do though. There is pressure coming from every single angle imaginable. You need to get As, you need to have the right friends or you won't grow socially, you need to get into the right colleges, say the right thing, etc.
In the end though, it doesn't even matter. You go to college, you learn, you get a job, and you forget everything you learned in the 15 years you spent stressing about grades and friends. You can still become the person you want to be, if you just enjoy your childhood. It goes so quickly.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back to School: Post 1

Hello Lovelies
School's starting soon, so we obviously need to talk about back to school. I'll be doing a few posts about different aspects of going back to school, like clothes, supplies, etc.
It is a new school year, and for students it's a fresh start. You can go to school and work towards being the person you want to be. Personally, I like to make resolutions. Basically, I make a list of all the things I want to accomplish for myself this school year. It's never just about grades, but also about improving the way I view myself and others. Every new school year comes with the baggage that you accumulated the year before, and before that, and so on. So the idea of making resolutions helps you get rid of that baggage. No matter what happened last year, you can still grow out of that. A very large part of being a student is watching yourself grow and questioning the things you learned before. It is also about discovering the things about yourself that were hidden until now. I may give school a lot of slack for feeling tedious, but it actually is the one place you can discover yourself and not really have to worry about all the distractions that responsibility leaves us with.
The idea is that you have this safe place where you're still allowed to make some mistakes and learn more about yourself in a way that one can't if they're working. This is a point where your whole life is ahead of you. That's why it's the time to take risks, to see what your limits are and push them just enough.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Watching really emotional movies, not because I'm a girl, but because I want to create a situation in which it's acceptable to cry.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

People think that going to college is not very useful, mostly because it is a socially acceptable thing to do. I DO NOT AGREE WITH THAT. You learn so many useful things in college. Here's a list:

  • How to cramp an impossibly large amount of stuff into an impossibly small room.
  • Having to SHARE that impossibly small amount of space with another, or in some case two or more other, people. 
  • How to get the most out of the sad excuse at research you've done. 
  • How to get ready in a five minute period of time so that you are not late for class. 
  • That showering without flip-flops is apparently just not the same. (who wants to not wear shoes int he shower...)
  • That teachers actually don't know everything...
I realize that a lot of these things are not particularly useful...however, they're great things to know.

Friday, August 9, 2013

It's Going By...

The other day I had one of those day where I looked in the mirror and wondered what changed. Part of me felt like I looked the same, but who's to tell. People can grow so much over a short period of time. I keep seeing these kids that I knew as almost babies, and they're grown up. People say time is relative, I can believe that. It's horrible to think that one day my time will be up, but that's too morbid a thought for this moment.

Always with You

I know that look? That's the look you get when you find it, the thing that's going to keep you occupied for long periods of time. It could be a person or a project. It just happens to be something that's got all your passion for the moment. I mean that's fine for now, but I know you'll always go back to that thing that makes you smile by a mere thought or distant memory, that dream that will always live in your heart.


This be my most cynical group of words ever, but I don't actually care. This is a piece of advice. It's great if you think that people are inherently good and they just make mistakes, everyone can be changed...blah blah blah. I beg to differ my friends. I've always known, but it was put into perspective for me in my theater class last semester. My professor so eloquently said, "No conversation worth having does not have an objective." He's right. Let me give you an example. Blogging is a conversation, although particularly one-sided. My objective is to get all you lovely people in cyberspace to listen to what I have to say. That's not a particularly malicious objective. However, there are people out there that just want to use you and pretend that it's okay. It's not. Just because you're a kind human being, doesn't mean you should be pushed around.