Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Reaction: The Breakfast Club

Finally decided to watch The Breakfast Club for the first time. I wanted to see what all the hype was about. Once again, as all eighties movies, The Breakfast Club defines what it feels like to be an angst-ridden teenager. Timeless as always.
Oh Gosh, being a teenager. It may be the same general idea no matter when you're growing up, but honestly parents don't understand what its like. At that point, they've already forgotten all the things they hated about their parents. They are so distracted by the perils of responsibilities. Parents have already gotten chewed out and spit up by life; they're not taking your shit.
Granted it's not just shit to us! I mean, we know how it feels to be pressured to think and act like one person, when you're obviously not. People think that just because you're a kid, you're in school you don't have anything to worry about. You do though. There is pressure coming from every single angle imaginable. You need to get As, you need to have the right friends or you won't grow socially, you need to get into the right colleges, say the right thing, etc.
In the end though, it doesn't even matter. You go to college, you learn, you get a job, and you forget everything you learned in the 15 years you spent stressing about grades and friends. You can still become the person you want to be, if you just enjoy your childhood. It goes so quickly.

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