Saturday, November 17, 2012

College: Wow, it's been a crazy two and a half months. Even though I have not been here long, it feels like a second home. I mean, it could use some better food, but overall its been a pretty good time.
I have MAK. We have an acronym, yes. It's nice to have those people you can always look to for a good time. We talk about life, bitch at each other, intimidate others (not purposely of course), and just have fun. That's what you're supposed to do in school. Learn for life, and learn for a career. It's really early in the game, but MAK is just...great. 
I have the best roommate a girl could possibly ever ask for. She's crazy and fun, but she's also very down-to-earth. She makes me tea when I'm sick and we talk every night before bed. She and MAK are my saviors from all the stress and tension I feel in my head. 
In the beginning I was having a lot of trouble dealing with all the things that were coming at me. I kept getting more and more homesick. I'm a city kid, I belong in a fast-paced setting with fast-paced people. This place was very difficult to get used to. Now that I'm somewhat acclimated to the ways of school x, I feel like I made the right choice. I did not want to be in a city. I've spent my life in a city. Maybe this is my retreat from the craziness that is subways, sidewalks, and sirens. 

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